Dean and Arlene return from evening birding expedition.
Dean pulls car into driveway. Headlights momentarily shine under the other car, illuminating something that doesn’t look just like the muffler. Dean backs up and pulls forward to the point where the lights are shining under the other car again.
Arlene: Is there a problem?
Dean: No, there’s an opossum.
Yup, it was under the other car, looking at us. It was ten days ago that I saw one (the same? I don’t know) in the backyard when I took out the compost. Here’s its photo; I didn’t get one tonight.

As for the birding expedition, we were looking (OK, listening) for woodcocks. We did hear one, and I got a glimpse of one coming in for a landing, but we didn’t get any good views. Hearing counts as a success.